Total Players


Onchain Transactions


Minted NFT Value

5547.8 ETH

Total Restaked

1,282,184 ETH

Xterio Ecosystem

Backed by the XTER token, the Xterio ecosystem and publishing stack empowers developers to reach their full potential and deliver incredible gaming experiences.

AI Toolkit

Onchain AI tooling that streamlines development, engages users, and provides a framework for AI Agents that carry out complex tasks on and off-chain.

Gaming Chains

Scalable, fast, easy-to-use cross-chain technologies powered by Xterio and Optimism.

Build on Xterio

Accelerate your game's development and distribution with Xterio. 
Because the world deserves better games.

Xterio wallet

Seamless onboarding wallets with 1-click login, crypto & FIAT payments, cross-platform connections, and enterprise-grade security.

Xterio Publishing

A full-service solution for publishing games on mobile, PC, and consoles - bridging the gap between traditional and Web3 gaming.

Xterio Development Kit

Enabling developers to build effortless on-chain experiences with multi-platform support, deployable smart contracts, and access to identity, analytics, and LiveOps tooling.


An account abstracted ID system that features signless onboarding - gas-free, with broad cross-platform support.

Trade $XTER

Shaping the future of AI-driven Web3 Gaming!

Secure the network

Restake ETH to secure the Xterio Rollup with Eigenlayer AVS, and receive rewards and benefits.

Bridge $XTER

Bridge ETH or BNB on the Xterio chains.

Frequently asked questions

Earn XTER allocation by accumulating Xterio Points in our Games and Events. Track your points and learn how to earn more on our Points Dashboard for more details and to view your points.

Keep the Xterio Rollup secure and earn rewards by restaking ETH.

No, the XTER TGE has not occurred, and any pages claiming to be selling or distributing an Xterio-related token are fraudulent. Please be sure to only trust official updates from Xterio sources.

Join our Discord and open a ticket in the support channel or email